Site in costruction


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Exobrain Assistant

In the exobrain i have a page where i stash links to read later. Often i do not have the patience to compile in some useful data such as page title and description, which are very useful when going back to the list.

So i tought of an automated curation system that upon insertion filters the links that lack context, visits them, extracts relevant info and gets them back in form of ready to apply patches to me.

Some code that i quickly hacked toghether to extract OpenGraph data from a test webpage:

#!/usr/bin/env xq -f # Scan a HTML document for certain info and compile a JSON structure with # findings

def getProperty(id): map(select(."@property" == id))|first|."@content" ;

[ "og:url", "og:title", "og:description" ] as $propIds | .html.head.meta | map( select( [."@property"] | inside($propIds) )) | { url: getProperty("og:url"), title: getProperty("og:title"), description: getProperty("og:description") }
